UPDATED: VOD Release Dates!

VOD 550
The rest of January may be sparse with VOD releases, but February & March are going to make up for that with movies like Tragedy Girls, Victor Crowley, Hellraiser: Judgement, Like Me, The Chamber, The Lodgers, Midnighters, and The Endless hitting streaming platforms everywhere.

There will surely be new titles added over the coming weeks, so check back often, and mark your calendars!

*Be sure to click the pics to rent the movies, or watch their trailers. Or both. Or neither. It really depends on your mood, now doesn't it?  

*If you aren't already a member, you should really give Amazon Prime a shot, especially if you order movies on the regular like we do, because the free two-day shipping pays for itself after around 10 orders. Check it out for free HERE.

This list is always a work in progress...
FEBRUARYFeb 2Feb 6bFeb 6Feb 6Feb 6iFeb 6 VODFeb 9Feb 6nFeb 13hrFeb 13Feb 16Feb 16bFeb 16Feb 20Feb 23gFeb 23Feb 23c23Feb 20170 x 284170 x 284MARCHMar 2Mar 2mMar 6b6Mar 132027Mar 23170 x 284APRILApril 2April170 x 284Footer
