In a world where streaming movies in HD is growing in popularity, it gets harder and harder to justify spending hard earned money on physical media. The fact is though that when done right, nothing makes a movie look or sound better on Blu-ray, so we bring you The Digital Dread Report to help you figure out what's worth buying, and what you're better off streaming.
Be sure to click the pics below to buy the movies, or even rent them. Or both. Or neither. It really depends on your mood, now doesn't it?
- The Killing of a Sacred Deer is probably the best disc release of the week. It's a beautiful, eerie, twisted movie that builds slowly to a conclusion that is profoundly disturbing. It's a very different kind of film, and if you're a fan of Arthouse Cinema, especially that of the Horror variety, then you owe it to yourself to give this one a spin.
- Dario Argento's Opera makes its way to Blu-ray this week thanks to Scorpion Releasing. Opera is considered to be Argento's last "great" movie by many, and while that's debatable, it's a good flick with some great kills, and is certainly worth a look.
- Jigsaw is back, and so is the Saw franchise apparently (there's already another one in development), and it's not a bad entry to the series at all. If you dig the Saw flicks, faults and all, you'll most likely get a kick out of this one too.
- Shakedown is an 80's Action flick that stars Sam Elliot and Peter Weller as one of the coolest on screen Cop buddy duo's ever. This one is going in our collection without hesitation. What a cool flick.
- We're curious to see what Devil's Well and The Lost Tree are all about, but we'll most likely go the VOD route with them.
- And everything else, as always, is a crap-shoot.
Be sure to click the pics below to buy the movies, or even rent them. Or both. Or neither. It really depends on your mood, now doesn't it?
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