If lesfic hadn't taught us this by now the German Bundestag did the other day when the vote on marriage eqality / Ehe für alle came through with a positive result.
It would be fun to celebrate with er few German lesfics but even if one of my all time favourite fics is set in the German town of Leipzig - look up Campus - and probably penned by a Germen it's not like I have a long or even short list of German fanfiction or lesfic writers to pick from ... !
Two all time favourites:
- Campus - by Anik Lachev
- An Innocent Heart - by Heike Friedmann and G.S. Binkley
German pens:
- Jae - on Ylva Publishing
- Jae - on Athenaeum
Stories set in Germany:
- Fragments by Grit Jahning
... do chip in if you have a story or pen to add !
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