Links are everywhere, some obivous and clear-cut, others less apparent and perhaps not even recognizable, because we don't know what to look for. A Scissor Link might just be that essential part of a helicopter that keeps it in the air, as the heart is what's keeping us alive. If the Scissor Link snaps the chopper goes down, and if our hearts stop pumping our lives come to an abrupt halt. That's the easy parts of engineering and life, but what about the links we don't see quite so clearly or value quite as much?
To Wendy it's important to earn her place in the world and to be recognized for her achievements. So I guess it's not really surprising that we find her interning in Savin Arospace's Safety and Risk Managment deparment in-stead of just lazing about doing .... well, whatever 26 year old engineering graduates do with their free time - build model planes? Well, I know that the lack of surprise on my part might very well be based on the fact, that I know that Wendy has earned a degree in structural dynamic engineering and really do find risk managment and choppers interesting!
If you ask if that is all there is to be said about Wendy, I'm inclined to say..... NO, at least after Wendy sets her eyes on the 40'ish Janet Lace, vice president of Savin Arospace's production division, and goes all in on her risk assessment of Savin's latest chopper, the stress test of its scissor link and catching Janets eye.
The scissor link that keeps Janet's life spinning out of control or the missing link that will allow Janet to find love and happiness, well that might just be our Wendy, but realizing that something is missing in your life is not the same as realizing what's missing or deciding that you'll go all in, and take a chance on love .... at least not for Janet with her bagage of .... well "this and that".
If you ask if that is all there is to be said about Wendy, I'm inclined to say..... NO, at least after Wendy sets her eyes on the 40'ish Janet Lace, vice president of Savin Arospace's production division, and goes all in on her risk assessment of Savin's latest chopper, the stress test of its scissor link and catching Janets eye.
The scissor link that keeps Janet's life spinning out of control or the missing link that will allow Janet to find love and happiness, well that might just be our Wendy, but realizing that something is missing in your life is not the same as realizing what's missing or deciding that you'll go all in, and take a chance on love .... at least not for Janet with her bagage of .... well "this and that".
You'll have to stop by "Scissor Link" by Georgette Kaplan to learn more about Wendy and the kinks she plays on to make an impact on Janet's frame of mind and perhaps her life. Let it be said that Wendy has more than sex on her mind, but "boy" do we have to go through a lot of kinky forplay to get from office affair to romantic love, so if this is how you like your romance, then do go and spend time with Wendy and Janet, "Scissor Link" is a light, funny and entertaining read, but I have to say that I take my romantic lesfic reading with a little more emphasise on the romance.
You should know that I was treated to a free copy of "Scissor Link" courtesy of Ylva Publishing and Georgette Kaplan.
You should know that I was treated to a free copy of "Scissor Link" courtesy of Ylva Publishing and Georgette Kaplan.
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