Mind the Gap or "Rainbow Gap" by Lee Lynch

Mind the gap between real life and fiction! Well, this warning might not really be needed when it comes to the "Rainbow Gap" by Lee Lynch. This is Lesbian themed general fiction by a skilled storyteller creating likeable and lively characters of Florida girls turning into women some some 40 - 50 years ago.

If you appreciate the fact that gender equality and in our time and age, marriage equality is something that was fought for by the nameless numbers of women that came before us, then you might want to look up Berry and Jaudon as they hold hands on the school bus or play in the tree house in the Florida heat long before it ever occurred to them or anyone else to think of two girls as "girlfriends".

The growing up is something we all do. For some it's an easy ride for others growing up takes its toll. Life deals everyone of us a different hand, but no matter what life has in store for Berry and Jaudon they chose to face it together and we get to tag along as they move through life maturing and turning into women in their own right. It's an enjoyable ride getting to experience history as it evolves for the women living it. Some parts seem really backward as in 'can't be real' but that's what time does to our lives. What you and I consider to be real and everyday life will seem strange in the eyes of women 10 or 20 years down the road.

"Rainbow Gap" is a long shot from your romantic short lived Lesfic storyline with it's array of characters and focus on the everyday lives of women way back when, but if you want to know how the rual Florida way of family life, religion and business interweaves with two girls finding a way to be women each in their own right and partners in life, then spending a bit of your reading time at the "Rainbow Gab" is one way of doing that.

I'll leave it up to you to decide whether "Rainbow Gap" is where you'll spend your money. You should know that I was treated to a free copy courtesy of Bold Strokes Books. 
