Bottled up or "Fenced-in Felix" by Cheyenne Blue

Our lives are defined by the choices we make. To some choices might seem fewer or perhaps not much like choices at all but choices are there all the time for us to make. Take Felix her choices in life might have left her feeling fenced in by the daily grind of running her camp ground in the Australian Outback, but still she makes choices every day planning her chores or deciding the way to move forward with her business. Now don't take this to say that Felix is unhappy - she is not - living in the Outback with her horses, trail riding and taking care of campers is the life she wants to live. 

So where does that leave us - the readers - do we sit around and watch Felix fiddle with her horses greeting campers and worrying about money matters? Well if you want to move the story along then look out for Josie the new barmaid in Worrindi a mere 30 minutes drive from the camp grounds. You'll probably find her serving beer and chatting to customers but I guess that's a given as she is after all doing the barmaid thing. Even if Josie’s choices a fewer in life or perhaps just rather basic as in what direction to turn her beat up car securing yet another temporary job, she still has choices to make and very soon you'll see Josie making choices that involves Felix.

No I'm not going to tell you about Josie's choices that'll just leave you with a furrowed brow, we don't want that - this is after all Lesfic romance. So let’s just turn our minds to the chances of finding love in the outback when you - like Felix - prefer the company of another woman. You are quit right chances are slim, so you are right to think that Felix has settled for a life on her own and bottled up her heart. Well that is until Josie comes along .... now the question is whether Felix will follow her heart and put her trust in Josie that is after all one of the hardest choice to make.  

This is standard Lesfic romance of "woman meets woman" mixed with a bit of drama to let us know that even if the ladies are inclined towards each other it's not going to be an easy ride towards a shared sunset. I might be going out on a limb here but to me the story didn't need the drama I could easily take time out just to watch the push and pull of two guarded hearts not used to trust or love. That's probably due to the fact that Cheyenne Blue has a neat pen and the ability to spine a believable romantic tale of everyday life and believe me that's not a given even in lesfic romance! I really did like Cheyenne's writing style. 

I'll leave it up to you to decide whether "Fenced-in Felix" is where you'll spend your reading time and money. You should know that I was treated to a free copy courtesy of Cheyenne Blue/Ylva Publishing.

Should you want to know a bit about the Outback look up this blog post. 
