Afterlife ...

Don't worry nobody died ! Well not in RL anyway, but I do think that a part of an era in the life of online f/f fiction is coming to an end. 

You might say that it's a LHEA kind of end, one where the "girl" gets the "girl" and wander of into the sunset to live happily ever after.  And why would you say that ?
Well because our favourite writers of f/f romance fiction seems to have found new homes. They no longer need to peddle their crafts for free at the fanfiction sites. Today they have loads of different paying outlets to choose from. I understand why. Who wouldn't charge for the time and effort put into mixing words, laughter, love and imagination into a story of romantic love and lust. If I had the inclination, time and talent maybe I would too?

On the other hand when I first stumbled on f/f fanfiction I found the online communities to be a close knit network of writers and readers united by a common love for romance and a shared interest in the life of "women who love women". It was almost a "home away for home" to look in at The Atheneaum "What's New" or "The Royal Academy of Bards" Author Index and browse through the stories of f/f love and lust. The writers or bards shared their hard work and the readers their reading time. It was entertaining, fun and a good time all around I think. 

Some years back The Atheneaum started to slow down as in fewer and fewer new reads and after a while the updating ended. No new fic's has been added since 2013. The Academy is still updating but a lot of the news posted at The Academy tells us about new published books at the many publishing houses for lesbian fiction. You'll still find new on line f/f fiction, but you have to hunt for the new places of posting .... AO3, might be the new places to go, but - sorry - it never felt as "home" to me. 

And it seems that I'm not the only one who found that things has changed. The ladies "Tamara, Elisa and Ze" at Uber Ect has ended their many ears of service to the community of fanfiction readers. A few month back they posted their last update of links to new fic's. 

For quite a few years I was a faithful follower of their daily posts on fiction and everyday life. I for one appreciated the time and effort they put into the daily chore ! Ladies - following your lives and thoughts was like having a loved one holding your hand while venturing out on new exploits .....

So in other words we find our self in "The Afterlife" but it's not a bad place to be if you ask me. The "Good Stuff" is still available online just follow the links at The Corner pages Listmania and Top 10s. Should you find "A missing link" do let me know I might be able to scramble up an update.  

But hey I might be mistaken here. Perhaps there is still interesting places to go, great online f/f fiction to read and communities to be part of ? If you feel like sharing your favourite hunting grounds or perhaps the fic's you like the most then feel free to post a comment. As you must have gathered by now I'm not "getting out" much any more ... well I'm OUT and about but not in our shared universe of f/f fiction.

See you around The Corner ?
