I'm sorry for not being around much lately! Seems that other things has taken priority over my time - Fan Fiction reading is fast becoming a thing of yesterday. I really loved my reading time and all the F/F romance that the Fan Fiction universe offers, so I'm going to leave this blog on line for those of you who still needs a hint on a good read.
I'll probably pop in from time to time and visit with "old friends" (the best reads ;-), but don't expect regular updates on new fic's and the likes.
I'm going to leave you with a tint of orange - if you've missed out on the Netflix TV-series "Orange is the new Black" do try and get your hands on a copy ! I found it very entertaining ... I would of cause have loved a "straight" lesbian story line, but life is not always about getting what you want sometimes you just have to make do with what your given.
...sorry I'm not quite finished yet - I bumped into this woman the other day ... a name anyone ?
or perhaps this one ?
Now I don't want to leave you without the romance part, so I'll toss in a couple
I think that they will do nicely with a "Women Who Went West" themed novel - if you've got your hands on one of those
and these two will be the perfect match for at gay wedding themed one ....
See you around!
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