If your are on the look out for a red car I imagine that you will experience a world full of red cars. Do you see the same number of red cars when you are not looking ? Well I for one would say that the majority of cars are in the non distinct colours of silver, grey or black .... unless of couse I'm looking for a red one.
If you close that ever watchful eye of yours that scan the footpath for dog turds ... will you step in one of those smears ???? I guess that depends on where you live, but in a number of places I wouldn't take my new heels out on a stroll if I wasn't on the outlook for ... you know what.
Where does that leave us when it comes to f/f fan fiction ?? Online I guess and with the world wide web as our playground we can get our hands on exactly the kind of writing that tickles our fancy.
So what's tickling at the moment ? One kind of tickle that I've been wondering about is the number of readers who comes this way to look up the post "Crystals Heart" by BL Miller, this is a good read, but it's not one that I've seen hyped around the web recently - so how comes?
When I went looking for a way to explain the interest in "Crystals Heart" I came by an older abandoned blog titled "Escapism Central" with a list of "Good Lesbian Online Stories". A number of my preferred readings are on the list - look it up if you are on the look out for a good story if you are an old hand in the Univers of f/f fan fiction you probably know the stories already. During my search I also happened on "Terry's Lesfic Reviews" and I must say that this is one energetic reader if the number of posts reflects the number of books read by one person in the span of less than a year!? As far as I can tell the reviews are focused on published works in the world of Lesfic.
And this is where I got sidetracked as I started a new search for "Good Lesbian Read" ... don't ask me why - you can do the same or just follow some of the links below if you want to know what recommendations I found:
- Ten Classic books Every Lesbian Should Read by Curve Magazin - I wonder can you be a lesbian if you haven't read all these books ;-)
- 10 LesBian Books You Should Read by EurOut - this list is a bit more of a mix between classic fiction and Lesfic romance
- Popular Lesbian Books by Goodreads - this is a lets say uncurated list but you might find something you fancy ... I would say that it speaks for the quality of the list that "Curious Wine" is included - this is in my opinion the true classic LesFic romance - but rather oldish I'm afraid
So where can we go from here .... well we could start over with a ... car, not a red one ... well I can't recall the colour but I know it's an '55 Ford, so maybe you can guess that I'm talking an Erin O'rielly fic.
When we are on the topic of cars' we could also go for a look out for a mechanic maybe Kelly in "Rumors" by BadSqurrel will do. This is an all time favourite of mine ... but maybe you already know ;-) I guess that we all know that Larisa's ficition is a good place to look for women who don't mind getting their hands dirty - my favourite Larisa Fic's is to be found on the Top 10s page. One Larisa story with a Mechanic that I haven't found to merit a place on the Larisa Top 10-list is Gear Heads but you might like it - there is a sequel Gear Heads Doing Time
If you want car's but don't want to get your hands dirty maybe you should look up Anna Kaklis a fancy car dealer with an eye for Lilly Stuart ... yes I'm talking The Shaken Series by KG MacGregor.
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