The Honor Series by Radclyffe

I guess its common knowledge that Radclyffe can turn out a very readable romantic tale with a nice twist of drama and some hot moves by a pair of good looking ladies. Among the leading ladies we are always sure to find Radclyffes signature butch woman with a "soft" core. A tender heart needing the right kind of persuasion to be able to overcome past hurt and love again.

The "Honor Series" is classic Radclyffe! So if you are fit and able to blend in with the crowed then tag along when I join Agent Cameron Roberts on her new assignment as commander of the Secret Service detail responsible for the security of Blair Powell, the daughter of the US president.

Do you think that this kind of "baby-sitting" assignment is worthy of a senior agent from the Investigative Division like Cam?  Judging by the look on Cam's face it's a defined NO, but then again sometimes you just have to follow orders and this IS an order. So before long we will get to watch the first meeting of Cam and Blair - the woman Cam must be willing to give her life to protect.

One would presume that a woman in Blair's position would be cooperating with her security team, but Blair is like a caged animal constantly challenging her confinement, resenting her inability to live a life free from strangers following and observing her every move.

So we have a possible explosion on our hands here, but don't worry Cam is just the Woman to handle even a highly provocative and non-cooperating lady like Blair, and to get her team to work with her in creating the necessary security.

You might ask what possible way for a romantic match Radclyffe can find with these two protagonists, but you won't have to wonder for long. The tension between Blair and the commander of her security team is not just created by Blair's repressed anger against her inability to live her own life - an instant  attraction helps to heighten the tension considerably.

The Honor series is romance - as in exploring the possibility of more than just smoulding looks between two good looking ladies both with a reluctance to risk their hearts. The Honor Series is Erotica - as in two ladies who can't keep their hands to themselves. And The Honor Series is drama - as in a stalker, car bombing and sniper attacks. All in all a potent mix - even if I think that the story would have benefited from a bit more talk and a little less of the very passionate embraces between the leading ladies.  

The Honor Series is seven books in total - all published by Bold Strokes Books, but the first three in the series is available online - "Above All Honor", "Honor Bound" and "Love and Honor".
