Sorry but we have to head out on yet another ramble. The "Gay Girl in Damascus" thing have left me wondering the Fact's of Life - are you wondering too? If you are let me lead you down a few online trails that might get you a bit closer to the truth.
You might already have hiked on the Oregon Trail. No I'm not talking about packing up your family in a Wagon and heading out West to set up a new life. I'm referring to "Oregon Expat" a blog by a American woman living with her wife in Portugal. This time she - Fletcher DeLancey - is giving us the stats! ... on divorce rates in the first years of same sex-marriages - and she is non so subtle about it - read the blog and learn why. Statistics is Fact's of Life is it not ??
If statistics is "too many numbers" for you and you prefer the facts spelled out in plain old English then you should take a look at the research presented at "My Words". That is if you ever wondered "What lesbians wants to know and read". Well you will find a number of numbers ;-) but this time they - the numbers - refers to real life women having answered real life questions on their interests ..... I believe! If you want to know what every lesbian woman - or almost every lesbian woman - wants to know then do look up the research examined - it's very well presented.
Perhaps slightly less scientific but non the less a Fact of Life "Pushing faster and harder does not make it happen sooner" NO NO I'm not talking dirty here so don't report this site for displaying Fact's of Life not fitting for the young one's. Don't you know that there are buttons to be pressed all around and that doing "IT" faster and harder won't get you .... any sooner? NO NO I'm still not talking "that kind of button"! Gee get your head out of the gutter woman! Ok just follow the link it's "My Words" again - well not MY WORDS - but this is a lovely site with some of the best writing I've come across in quite a while - don't miss it!
Let's leave all the words and numbers alone for a while and take a break .... how about putting your butt down with a photo album for a little while ? Ok - so lets browse Alix Smith's site "State of Union" together. It's the start of a project aimed at comprising a series of color portrait photographs of same-sex families. Fact of Life ? Its a Fact of Life that same-sex couples live in committed relationships, but I'll refrain from judging whether the people on display are "real". The situation displayed on the photos do look a bit too much like a professional photo shot to my liking, but you might feel differently.
Did you enjoy the sight? Maybe you want to stay put for a little while longer? OK so how about we move on to a bit of bird watching then. You don't have to get your binoculars for this kind of "bird watching" though. I think that You will enjoy it much more if you move in closer to the subject of your interest. Anyway this might not strictly be "Fact's of Life", but if you are looking to catch a new bird it might not hurt to try out these hunting grounds - just don't bring any firearms - PLEASE - I urge you to be a bit more subtle with your hunting.
Well I guess we can't go on messing around with "Facts of Life" like this, we have to move towards the trail end and get back to .... the fiction, but I think that I'll leave you with just one more site to explore before I put up my feet and relax with a new fic. Let's see which one should I choose ? Well to bridge the gab between the Facts of Life and the world of fiction I think that I might leave you with "Card Carrying Lesbian" - explore the site at your own risk and make up your mind as to what's Real Life and Fiction. I don't mind one way or the other it's entertaining whatever it is.
Have fun!
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