Venus Magazin

If you haven't browsed the inaugural issue of the Venus Magazine yet there is still plenty of opportunity to do so - it is available for free at Kissed by Venus.

Should you want a short story with a nice little twist you can pick up "Red Berry Jam" by Rachel Green - it's well written.

In a "Masochist's Chart's" by Jill Malone you'll find a sort of  introduction to the world of BSDM. If this is what you are looking for in the fic's - look up the links posted for BSDM-themed fic's at the Listmania page.

And should you be wondering if "Butch is Passé" you can look up the article by An Old Fashioned Butch - it is nice to know that there is still enough flannel and boots to go around.

The Venus Magazine is well worth a visit - high quality of writing for an online and free publication.
