Fast Break by Mickey Minner

Welcome to Missoula Cougars tryout camp. If you want to secure a spot on the professional basketball team this is where you earn it - arrive early, work hard, listen to the coach and IF you have a real talent and know how to live up to your potential or ......... catch the eye of the owners niece  ... you might get a chance to play pro ball!

Ok - so talent are not the only thing that can will you on the team! But who said anything about playing fair? Even if Dawn gets a free ride with Mandy to the team roaster, there might still be a spot for the hard working point guard Sherry - if she doesn't mind working her butt off that is. 

And Sherry do have her a hell of a lot of work to do. Not only to secure a spot on the team, but to win the heart of The Cougar's head coach Pat, who seems reluctant to breach the moral clause of her contract by developing even a casual relationship with a player on her team.

Now do not despair - love is not a lost cause yet - where there's a will, there's a way. Sherry is  patient enough to wait out her chance and Pat, she is not really able to resist the attraction as she does needs someone to put her on a new path in life.

Do you take an interest in ball games, do you get a high from watching someone make an impossible basket or are you just really happy to watch others working their butt off while you lounge on the couch ?  If that's the case then join Sherry while she makes a play for a place on the Cougars team and in Pat's life.

If on the hand you are more into the mushy romance and don't care for the sweat and aching limps that follow in the wake of heavy workout - and we are not talking the horizontal kind - then maybe you should look for your fun elsewhere. 

The "ball part" of the storyline in "Fast Break" is entertaining enough if a little stereotype, but the romance is a bit lacking as the characters of Pat and Sherry are not really fleshed out and the attraction between them not supported. I guess that you can't win every time but needless to say The Cougars and Sherry do!

"Fast Break" was published by P.D.Publishing and is available through Amazon.
