Hooligans by rdholmantx
hosted by ThePetulantPoetess.com
I did a random search through the newest listings on TPP last night and found Hooligans, and gave it a try. This is a Post-DH story that disregards the Epilogue (I chuckle with glee every time I read the "Epilogue? What Epilogue?" rating on P-DH stories). We enter the author's take on Severus Snape awakening about a month after the Final Battle having survived Nagini's attack and having been secretly hospitalized and comatose for the duration. Harry and Hermione are there, keeping a vigilant watch, and stay with him through his release and take him back to Spinner's End. They have a game plan, in which Snape will remain Headmaster of Hogwarts for a couple more years while all of the younger stars of the Final Battle (Hermione, Harry, Neville, Earnie, even Draco) apprentice towards teaching positions in their respective strongest subjects.
I liked the game plan, but wasn't sure about the OOC take on Snape's post coma persona until I'd stuck with it through the second chapter. By that point, I was hooked. This Severus Snape loves junk food, fast food, muggle music and televised sports. Rdholmantx has a droll wit and great comedic timing as she carries us through her tale of post war psychological angst and misbehavior. We are treated to Snape's, Harry's, and Hermione's perspectives as we go along. I laughed out loud regularly as I read, but chapter eleven literally had me howling. Hilarious! We're up to chapter twelve as of today. Check it out!
hosted by ThePetulantPoetess.com
I did a random search through the newest listings on TPP last night and found Hooligans, and gave it a try. This is a Post-DH story that disregards the Epilogue (I chuckle with glee every time I read the "Epilogue? What Epilogue?" rating on P-DH stories). We enter the author's take on Severus Snape awakening about a month after the Final Battle having survived Nagini's attack and having been secretly hospitalized and comatose for the duration. Harry and Hermione are there, keeping a vigilant watch, and stay with him through his release and take him back to Spinner's End. They have a game plan, in which Snape will remain Headmaster of Hogwarts for a couple more years while all of the younger stars of the Final Battle (Hermione, Harry, Neville, Earnie, even Draco) apprentice towards teaching positions in their respective strongest subjects.
I liked the game plan, but wasn't sure about the OOC take on Snape's post coma persona until I'd stuck with it through the second chapter. By that point, I was hooked. This Severus Snape loves junk food, fast food, muggle music and televised sports. Rdholmantx has a droll wit and great comedic timing as she carries us through her tale of post war psychological angst and misbehavior. We are treated to Snape's, Harry's, and Hermione's perspectives as we go along. I laughed out loud regularly as I read, but chapter eleven literally had me howling. Hilarious! We're up to chapter twelve as of today. Check it out!
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