When looking for another HP fix, a quick way to find another gem is to peruse the author's personal page which lists any other works he or she has created. A Year in the Life of a Charms Professor, another post-HBP story by madamsnape78 hosted by fanfiction.net is just this type of find.
After finishing The Sacrifices Made by madamsnape78, I couldn't help but check out some of her other work on fanfiction.net. Madamsnape78 has several good stories to her credit, the most notably satisfying being A Year in the Life of a Charms Professor, which I read in one sitting this afternoon. I have a deep appreciation for the stories that capture the source of Severus Snape's deepest wounds, and an author's ability to realistically portray the psychological reality the carrier of such wounds would have to live with, without making him a tragic misery case that is so negative and awful that we really wish the other characters would leave him alone and move on.
In A Year in the Life of a Charms Professor, Hermione is said professor and it is 10 years post final battle. Ron perished in this story's war and Hermione is still grieving and having difficulty letting go. Hogwarts is still trying to bounce back as a reputable educational institution, and Severus is persuaded to return to teach potions once again. He is still bitter and broken, but not irrevocably so. Harry, Ginny, Luna, and Neville figure prominently. In this story, being a teacher at Hogwarts is not as restrictive in the lives of the professors as some authors represent it to be, and so Hermione and Severus have means and opportunity to get to know each other. The source of angst in this tale is guilt and unexpressed regret, which I found refreshing, and yet the story delivery is not overly heavy or dark. Madamsnape78 has a knack for storytelling that brings in all of the best ingredients for a good romance without turning to dark or otherwise questionable angles. Her style allows the reader to grant unconditional credibility to the protagonists, even when we are not privy to the source of their pain until we are deep into the story.
Another fun, light romantic read of hers that I also enjoyed was Putting the Magic Back into Magic. Also The Snape Charmer which is a quick, humorous romance that takes place after The Deadly Hallows but disregards the Epilogue. Both can be found on fanfiction.net .
After finishing The Sacrifices Made by madamsnape78, I couldn't help but check out some of her other work on fanfiction.net. Madamsnape78 has several good stories to her credit, the most notably satisfying being A Year in the Life of a Charms Professor, which I read in one sitting this afternoon. I have a deep appreciation for the stories that capture the source of Severus Snape's deepest wounds, and an author's ability to realistically portray the psychological reality the carrier of such wounds would have to live with, without making him a tragic misery case that is so negative and awful that we really wish the other characters would leave him alone and move on.
In A Year in the Life of a Charms Professor, Hermione is said professor and it is 10 years post final battle. Ron perished in this story's war and Hermione is still grieving and having difficulty letting go. Hogwarts is still trying to bounce back as a reputable educational institution, and Severus is persuaded to return to teach potions once again. He is still bitter and broken, but not irrevocably so. Harry, Ginny, Luna, and Neville figure prominently. In this story, being a teacher at Hogwarts is not as restrictive in the lives of the professors as some authors represent it to be, and so Hermione and Severus have means and opportunity to get to know each other. The source of angst in this tale is guilt and unexpressed regret, which I found refreshing, and yet the story delivery is not overly heavy or dark. Madamsnape78 has a knack for storytelling that brings in all of the best ingredients for a good romance without turning to dark or otherwise questionable angles. Her style allows the reader to grant unconditional credibility to the protagonists, even when we are not privy to the source of their pain until we are deep into the story.
Another fun, light romantic read of hers that I also enjoyed was Putting the Magic Back into Magic. Also The Snape Charmer which is a quick, humorous romance that takes place after The Deadly Hallows but disregards the Epilogue. Both can be found on fanfiction.net .
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